Why you need our Kits

Wouldn’t it be good if nothing ever went wrong at work? But the reality is, accidents do happen. As a business owner or a contractor ask yourself:

  • How would you cope with an accident at your workplace?
  • Could you, or your business, stand a prosecution and conviction as a result?

A workplace accident can cause a lot more than just physical pain and suffering. A conviction can cost a lot of money, and cause stress over a long period of time. Add in lawyers’ fees, and an anxious wait leading up to a court appearance, and it’s no wonder businesses can fail under the strain.

What can you do to reduce your exposure?

Well, you can’t take out insurance against it, the law won’t let you. The only way to avoid a serious penalty is by showing that you have addressed your health and safety obligations at your work sites.

As a “person in control of a business or undertaking” (PCBU) you are required to maintain appropriate on-site systems regarding workplace health and safety.

How Safety Work Kits can help you

Our workplace kits have been purposefully designed to assist you with meeting your health and safety requirements.

They are highly transportable and provide a clear evidence trail to show you are taking care of workplace health and safety wherever you are working.